Please provide specific examples of technology/tools that you would recommend for a student with... (1) a hearing impairment, (2) low-vision, (3) a broken right arm, and (4) autism (non-communicative).
Specific types of assistive technology are available to ease the burden for students with special needs.
Hearing Impairment
For students with hearing impairment, would be able to function in a regular class if materials presented were posted in a blog, google. docs or wikispace, which could also be viewed via e-reader. The student also could respond in a cooperative activity via these tools and participate actively.
Low vision
Low- vision readers require larger print texts to facilitate reading. E-reader is one form of assistive technology that is suitable for students with low vision because it has various text sizes (WikiBooks, 2010). The e-reader also can convert text-to-speech, which would be feasible for someone with limited vision. What makes it excellent is that it downloads fast and available at a low-cost.
Another assistive technological tool that could be user for low-vision readers is Digital Accessibility Information System (DAISY). It is a talking book technology, which would make it easier for low vision students to listen to a text instead of straining their eyes to read (WikiBooks, 2009).
To write a task, a low vision student could use Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium. This tool would transcribe the spoken words into an active window (WikiBooks, 2011) and a written task can be produced.
A broken arm
A student who has temporarily lost the use of his limb could use Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium. He or she could still get on with schoolwork by using Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium to produce his or her work in print.
Autism (non-communicative)
Students with autism may sometimes find learning overwhelming due to their inconsistent moods. Since the student is non-communicative, it is important to get the student’s attention to focus towards learning. A possible tool would be a portable device, iPod Touch 4 G that takes videos or pictures to capture instructional information and new situations or environments (Assistive Technology, 2011). In this way, the student is not easily distracted and limits anxiety. For a student with autism, a device that has sensory applications would support his or her learning.
There are many other tools available in the Web 2.0 browser that students with special needs could use to help support their learning. One that I would recommend is to use keypals or e-pals (http:// (Schrum & Levin 2009). Students of various levels of needs could communicate via e-pal to work on collaborative projects. Sometimes special needs students are too conscious of their needs and may not function well in a regular classroom but do better in the virtual world. E-pal may be a good approach.
The use of assistive technology is parallel to the requirement in the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S). A teacher is to “ customize and personalize activities to address student’s diverse learning styles, working strategies and abilities using digital tools and resources” (ISTE, 2007). Therefore, the above-mentioned assistive tools are some ways to promote learning for students with special needs.
ISTE. (2007). National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S). Retrieved. June 13, 2011 from
Schrum, L. & Levin, B.B. (2009). Leading 21st Century Schools: Harnessing Technology for Engagement and Achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Assistive Technology in Education/eBook
Tools for Students with Autism. (February 2011). Assistive Technology. Retrieved June 21, 2011.
WikiBooks. (2009). Assistive Technology in Education/DAISY. Retrieved June 17, 2011 from
WikiBooks. (2010). Assistive Technology in Education: Helping All Students Succeed. Retrieved June 17,2011 from
WikiBooks. (2011). Assistive Technology in Education/Speech Recognition Software
Retrived June 17, 2011 from
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