Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 3 -T2P

One important aspect, which I realized is the importance of the study plan for the day. Firstly, it gives the students an overview of the lesson and an idea of what is expected of them. The plan in itself is a scaffolding strategy for the students. For the teacher, it would provide focus and keeping track of time and content covered.

The first activity RS2QC2, whatever that means, was a way to check student’s understanding of the texts that they have read. This I believe is a very good reading strategy because it guides students to pick on salient information as well as setting the focus on what is germane in a reading material.

Group discussion for students who shared the same reading topic is an effective strategy because students share information found in various articles. This is peer learning and in this activity, the zone of proximal development and the More Knowledgeable (MKO) other was evident. The student who did not know a particular term could question and the MKO was able to share the information. The instructor playing the role of facilitator posed questions to put us on right track as well as making the students to think at a higher level.

The T/L triad is an innovative way to disseminate information and also to consolidate what the students have learnt in their large group. In this way, every student gets the opportunity to present and assess his or her own understanding. In addition, knowledge gained is not just confined to their assigned tasks but also other areas. One can have in depth knowledge in a variety of topics within a short time period with this method.
In the following strategy, there is a gradual removal of scaffolding. Although students are placed in groups, they have to carry out individual tasks before sharing the information required for the task. The process appears to be easier and more comfortable as the students know what to do. Group activities most certainly provide the opportunity for students to learn from each other. The facilitator too does not have to provide much guidance, as students are familiar with the strategy.

"If teachers utilize the collaborative strategy with appropriate scaffolding, then students would gradually become confident independent learners. because the scaffolds would enable the students to ultimately complete the task without support (Wikipedia, 2011)

Wikipedia. (2011). Instructional scaffolding. Retrieved June 18, 2011 from

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