Monday, June 27, 2011

Week 5: A good Teacher

A good teacher is cognizant of both students’ cognitive and emotional state. Imparting knowledge is the ultimate goal in a teaching and learning experience. However, effective teaching and learning does not occur if the students’ needs are not looked into. Therefore a good teacher would first assess students’ emotional state before beginning a lesson. A good teacher too will recognize the various levels of abilities students come to class with. A good teacher will vary her instruction to enable her students’ to benefit from the it. A good teacher will in her course of teaching identify how students learn best. She will provide collaborative activities and scaffolds for her students to progress in their learning. A good teacher will not coerce her students to focus on grades and limit their creativity. Her students will have freedom to expand on the activities given. More importantly, a good teacher is a partner in the teaching and learning situation. She has to be approachable and be able o empathize with student's predicament.

If a teacher carries out a question and answer session using good open-ended question strategy, then it will help motivate students’ curiosity about the topic. For, the teacher it will help assess the students’ understanding on the topic of discussion. Motivation is necessary to enhance students’ self-determination because it develops students' creativity. In a question - answer session, each student builds on the other student’s ideas and the feedback from the teacher builds the students' confidence and competence. Questions will get students to operate on their prior knowledge and assimilate new information gathered from peers' responses. Confusions that occur can be clarified during the question-answer session where either the teacher or peers can respond to the questions. Mutual enhancement occurs in peer-to-peer learning. As a result, students will be confident and competent when faced with new challenges in learning. Students will be able to ask the right questions and make connections using the previous knowledge to the new information. This eventually will lead the student to become an autonomous learner because students will now be more confident in constructing knowledge.


Gentlewoman Scholar said...


Why is this important?

This eventually will lead the student to become an autonomous learner because students will now be more confident in constructing knowledge.

travisha said...

As an autonomous student they will have the confidence to have control or ownership over their learning. When students feel a sense of ownership, they want to engage in academic tasks and persist in learning.